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4th -5th Grades

Summer offerings by grade range and weeks offered. For times, course descriptions, and registration, click here. 


Private Tutoring/Enrichment - one on one - by appointment


Under the Sea Art 

offered the week of June 27th 



offered the week of June 27th 


The Art of Fashion & Makeup 

offered the week of June 27th 


Intro to the Stock Market (5th)

offered the week of June 27th 


Multiplication Madness (4th) 

offered the week of June 27th 


Japanese Culture & Sushi Making (5th) 

offered the week of June 27th 


Dyslexia Screening 

offered by appt.


Stem Plus 

offered the week of July 5th 


Cricut Design Space (Taking requests to have mom & me class, older kid style)

offered the week of July 5th 


Jewelry Making & Gemology 

offered the week of July 5th 


International Cuisine for Jr Chefs 

offered the week of July 5th 


Summer Entertaining 

offered the week of July 5th 


 Kids Life Coaching  

offered the week of July 11, Aug. 8 or one on one by appt.


Music, Media & Technology

offered the week of July 11 


Art Pet Portraits 

offered the week of July 11 


Athlete Coaching, Mindset Matters

offered the week of July 11, Aug. 8, or one on one by appt.


Intro to Coding 

offered the week of July 11 


Famous Artists - Art Class

offered the week of July 18


Kids in the Kitchen 

offered the week of July 18 


Sports Combo Fun 

offered the week of July 18, Aug 15


Global Art - Art Class

offered the week of July 25 


Embroidery - Art Class

offered the week of July 25 


Summer Reading Book Clubs 4th & 5th Grds 

offered the week of July 25 


Chess Academy & Tournaments 

offered the week of July 25, Aug. 8, Aug. 15, Aug 22 


Around the World Project-Based Learning 

offered the week of July 25 


Under the Sea - Art  

offered the week of August 1


Around the World Project-Based Learning II  

offered the week of August 1


Math & Movement (3rd grd) 

offered week of August 1 


Performing Arts & Drama 

offered week of August 1, Aug. 8, Aug. 22 


Top Chef Jr's Summer Treats  

offered week of Aug. 8


Back to School Readiness - Meet Me Where I Am   

offered the week of Aug. 15      recommended 3rd - 4th graders


Write That Right  (anyone in need of cursive & typing instruction/practice)  

offered the week of Aug. 15


The Art of Cell Phone Photography 

(taught by professional photographer, Jessica Lee) 

offered the week of Aug. 15


Writing Workshop Across the Genres (5th grd) 

offered the week of Aug. 22


MIX IT UP - DJ Course 

Offered the week of Aug. 22nd


Ice Cream Shop 

offered the week of Aug. 22

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