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Bronwyn Bergen

Hi, my name is Bronwyn, and I am the founder of The STARS Kids Life Studio.  There is no greater inspiration than empowering children. The STARS Kids Life Studio is a certified global Kids Life Coach studio specializing in building self-esteem, social skills, emotional intelligence, and communication skills while also addressing growth mindset for athletes, attention disorders and divorce recovery.  Specifically, I do work with students and young athletes coaching them to develop a growth mindset, confidence-building, resilience and dealing with adversity. The ultimate goal is to build a success mindset in every young person with whom I work and to inspire, motivate, and provide kids with a greater self-acceptance, self- awareness and clear understanding of their own thinking patterns. I accomplish this by assessing children’s needs, then developing a tailor-made individualized program. 

Being proactive with coaching children and building a toolbox of skills is monumental when children are dealing with daily stresses or coping with difficult situations in their lives.  


Being a retired schoolteacher of 30 years, I have worked with very diverse groups of children, and have learned that whether a child is “typical” or struggling with a learning disability, attention deficit, or lack of self-esteem, they can greatly benefit from coaching. Empowering, motivating, and having children realize that they can succeed in anything they attempt is paramount. 


I received my undergraduate degree at Bloomsburg University, where I majored in elementary education. I then went on to earn a master’s degree in education and psychology with an additional 65 credits in education and research classes revolving around children. I have also completed specialized certified training in social skills, conflict resolution, LGBTQ youth, mindfulness, anxiety disorders and cognitive and behavioral awareness among others.  Listen to my podcast series on Spotify, Pandora, or Apple podcasts by searching Bronwyn Bergen.

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